Crew Rest and Expenses Info

Click here for Legal Rest Periods and Meal Information

Please report to the Company and the union if you are unable to complete service and/ or schedule sufficient crew rest on long range flights. Please give us a schedule of how long the service took and and any further details on flight, such as equipment failures that prolonged service, turbulence, passenger issues, medicals, crew complement, etc.

Under the terms of the Collective Agreement you are entitled to an additional 30 minutes crew rest on board LOU18 & 22 flights only. (See LOU 60 for detailed contract language)

Scheduled flight over 11:30 are entitled to 2 hours onboard crew rest

LOU 18 flights: 
duty periods under 14h59 are entitled to 2 ½ hrs onboard crew rest
duty periods from 15 hrs to 16h15 are entitled to 4 hrs.

LOU 22A flights: 
duty periods from 16h16 -17h10 are entitled to 4 hrs onboard crew rest
duty periods from 17h11 – 18h00 are entitled to 4 ½ hrs

LOU 22B flights:
duty periods from 18h01 – 18hr45 are entitled to 5 hrs onboard crew rest
duty periods from 18h46 – 19h30 are entitled to 5 1/2 hrs

Meal breaks are to be taken separately from the on board crew rest.



To access and provide feedback regarding any and all instances that make your hotel stay unpleasant, please ensure to report on the Crew Care dashboard

Log Into ACAeronet> In-Flight Service > Crew Scheduling & Planning > Crew Care OR Expense Claims